Little-Known Secrets of an Agora Control Beater

Want a virtual download of the tricks, tactics
and salesmanship voodoo of an in-demand
multi-million dollar freelance copywriter?

From the writing lair of Million Dollar Mike

Thursday, February 6th 2025


It’s rare to be in the office on a Saturday, but I’m fired up to be writing to you. I’m setting my timer for two hours of writing. It will be what it will be, I’m not worried. Because today I begin a labor of love that’s been a long time coming.

What is that labor of love and how will it benefit you?

In short, you have the rare chance to get inside the head of a working A-list copywriter… for one heck of a good cause. Normally, I don’t share my secrets outside of a close knit circle of former cubs and close colleagues. But today I throw that rule out the door, for a few lucky marketers and copywriters.


That’s Jade on the left, hamming it up with her sister Destiny.

Let me introduce you to my niece, Jade. I’ve known her since the days when she was a carefree kid in footie pajamas. She was shy and introverted, though she opened up more with family. Yet she was smart as a whip, cute as hell, and a Beatles fan at age 8. (Gotta love her taste in tunes…)

Fast forward to 2002. Jade hits her teenage years. Years that should be happy-go-lucky exploration of life. But for Jade, everything was about to change. After not feeling well, she was diagnosed with dense deposit disease. This is a rare kidney disease that stops the kidneys from correctly filtering waste from the blood.

Even with a harsh, unfair disease waging war on her kidneys, she carried on like a trooper. She took guitar lessons and explored music deeper. She finished school and got a job at a bakery. Jade reveled in having a purpose, a paycheck, a social life, everything that came with the bakery.

Outside of work, her life was rich too. She loved exploring with her sister. Her go-to was hiking, and taking photos. She’s got an amazing eye for photography. She loves animals.

But in the dog days of summer 2013, her kidneys finally shut down. Jade continued working. But she was often fatigued, and thought nothing of it. After a blood draw a few months later, Jade was rushed to the hospital. She could no longer out-run her rapidly deteriorating health.

To make a long story short, she’s now on dialysis three times a week. Her energy levels plummeted and had to quit her job. Her appetite is gone; smells send her running to the nearest sink, toilet or garbage.

I won’t belabor her condition. Obviously it sucks. Especially for a woman still in her 20’s. But I will say she’s got moxy and courage. Probably more than I. She has wit forever, and loves making snarky comments on my Facebook posts. I love this girl, and now is my chance to help her, and you.

You see, the news is getting better. Her condition remains the same, but a lifeline awaits Jade. She’s now on top of the donor list. So I’m planning on killing two birds with one stone – sharing my secrets with you – and raising money to help her with the expenses insurance won’t. In fact, your donation goes to Jade’s PayPal account.

So what do you get?

Over a Decade of In-The-Trenches
Copywriting and Marketing Know How

Over the next three months, you’ll enjoy rare access to a top pro freelancer. That’s me. They’ve called me “Million Dollar Mike” for the last dozen years. Why? Because my copy delivers million dollar promotions. With stunning regularity, I might add.

These days my time is so coveted, my schedule is completely booked out ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. It’s been that way for years. I’ve written million dollar promos at every level, in every niche you can imagine. My clients have ranged from “Joe Entrepreneur” to the biggest direct response publishers in the business. Not to brag, (too much), my best hit raked in $17 million over about a year.

Here’s what some of the World’s best copywriters say about me…

“The Guy Has Chops”

“I’ve known Million-Dollar Mike for many years now, and can recommend the dude without hesitation. He’s been an essential wingman at several of my seminars (I insist he attend because of his deep knowledge of the inner workings of marketing and advertising)… and he’s been a teacher in our Simple Writing System mentoring program since its inception.

The guy has chops.”

John Carlton
The most respected, referred-to, and ripped-off copywriting expert alive

“…Blindingly Simple
and Brilliant…”

“The thing about Mike Morgan is, when you talk to him, he tells you these blindingly simple and brilliant things, and you end up going, ‘$#@!! — why didn’t I think about that?’ And then you end up not resting until he tells you how he does it!”

David Garfinkel

“One of the Best”

“Mike Morgan is a top copywriter, he is one of the best guys out there.”

Michel Fortin

“I’m GREEN With Envy!”

Mike, you’re an amazing copywriter! I can’t believe you haven’t been doing this for 20+ years!!!

I’m GREEN with envy… you’re that good!

TJ Rohleder
Direct Mail Superstar

“License to Print Money”

Mike can write great copy. But he also knows how to design and implement powerful marketing systems that transform that copy into sales and profits. And that’s the next best thing to a license to print money.

David Deutsch
World Renowned Direct Response Copywriter Author, Think Inside the Box!

Clients rave about me too.

“Mike is a world-class copywriter.”

Mike is a world-class copywriter. That puts him among a small handful of people in the world. But don’t let that intimidate you. Mike is one of the most down-to-earth and approachable guys I know. The real cherry-on-top is that Mike has the work ethic of a plow-horse on steroids.

When he worked on a project for me he just over-delivered again and again – and never once complained. I later figured out that that’s just who he is. While others are complaining about work, Mikes just doing it. And doing it better than 99.9999% of the people on the planet. If you get a chance to work with him, stop thinking about it and do it.

Mark Joyner
Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author of “Simpleology”

“ONE MILLION Dollars in 36 Hours!”

Just recently, your sales letter for one of my high ticket coaching programs generated ONE MILLION dollars in sales in just 36 hours!

That’s all the proof I need that your copy produces extraordinary results.

Ewen Chia
Legendary Super Affiliate

Unheard Of Response

I first heard the legend of Million-Dollar Mike, (copywriter extraordinaire), about 6 years ago. But it wasn’t until last year that I had a chance to see up close and personal what it’s like to hire and work with Mike on a project.

This project absolutely required that we have the copy as close to perfect out of the gate as possible. And even though there were two other people involved in this project who had copywriting experience we still brought out the big guns and hired Mike to write a VSL script.

Mike delivered the copy on the exact day he said he would. His writing was so well-researched that even people involved with the product we were launching (people from the industry) learned new things about it from Mike’s copy. Our first media buy it broke even, which is unheard of in cold markets with brand-new products. By the second media buy we were profitable. Mike is a pro in every sense of the word. If you need things to work, you can’t afford not to work with Mike Morgan.

Luke Jaten

“You’ve Been Invaluable”

I just wanted to extend my personal note of thanks to you for your massive input and assistance on my latest project.

You provided an outstanding copywriting service that went over and above anything I could have expected. But more than that you also injected the entire launch with an infectious enthusiasm and drive that made its success inevitable.

I love working with you Mike, you know your stuff inside out but more importantly – you make it interesting and FUN to learn at the same time whilst still always focusing the one thing I like best – OUTSTANDING RESULTS!!

Thanks again for all your hard work and support, you’ve been invaluable to me.

Michael Cheney
Multi-Million Dollar Marketer

“A Home-Run!”

Your recent campaign for us at Target Focus Training was a home-run! It gave us the deepest sales penetration into our list ever. Your copy, emails and strategy hand-delivered the biggest internal promotion in our 15 year history!

Ralph Charlton
Target Focus Training

And here’s an interesting story. Last year, I worked with a top of the heap marketer on a secret project. It was for a niche I had never written for, nor did I possess deep knowledge about the market.

But that didn’t stop me. I went deep on the research and… BAM. Success. Here Matt Trainer, (a guy famous for being ahead of the curve), tells you about it:

Over the years, I’ve learned a ton. I NEVER stop learning. And one of the best ways to cement knowledge is to TEACH it. And over the years, I’ve done just that.

While teaching isn’t my business, I feel like if I made it to the top, I have a responsibility to give back, and help others climb the ladder to wild success. And my students are the best judge of the job I’ve done.

Here’s what my students would tell you…

“At the Top of His Game”

A-List Copywriters like Mike Morgan are so busy doing what they do best, writing cash sucking copy, they rarely get a chance to teach the skills and techniques that got them to the top. So when I saw Mike offer his copy program… I jumped at it right away! And I’m glad I did. You see, you can learn from people who know the theory, people who think they know what they’re doing… or you can learn from Million Dollar Mike Morgan, who is at the top of his game and consistently writes control winning promotions. Mike has helped me to write great copy for my clients that’s made them millions of dollars. His pragmatic approach to copy and teaching made it easy for me to learn and implement into my writing.

If you get the chance to learn copy from Mike… don’t think about it, do it! You’ll be happy you did… but your business or your clients will be even happier!

Pauline Longdon

“This Guy Blew My Mind”

Hey, this is Tellman Knudson, and you know what… I write a lot of copy, we come up with some really, really high converting sales pages and e-mail. I wanted to improve our ability to write copy to increase our conversions on our sales pages, on our squeeze pages, on our e-mails, on everything we do.

And the first person I went to was Mr. Mike Morgan, himself. I hired him for a 6 week copy training intensive and I gotta tell you. This guy blew my mind!

Mike Morgan is the man when it comes to increasing conversions. He taught me one technique that immediately tripled the effectiveness of one of our existing sales letters.

You gotta pay attention, you gotta pay attention to Mike Morgan. He will teach you how to make more sales.

Period. End of story.

Tellman Knudson

“When You Have a Veteran Mentor Like Mike, All Boats Rise”

Regardless of your current skill level, Mike Morgan is someone I would highly recommend having in your corner if you want to write higher converting copy in less time. When you have a veteran mentor like Mike, all boats rise: writing becomes easier and fun again, you get better results for your clients, and you enable your clients to help more people in their market.
Thanks, Mike!

Mike Schwenk
Pro Copywriter

“Having the Opportunity to Work With Mike is Super Rare”

Quite frankly writing a testimonial for Mike is one of the hardest things to do. Firstly simply having the opportunity to work with Mike is super rare. You have more chance of catching Santa Clause coming down your chimney or being invited to be one of the twelve at the last supper. And for very good reason.

Which takes me on to the second part. There’s a very good reason he has the nickname Million Dollar Mike, his copy rocks! So much so it has made him and his clients a lot of money. Money you could make simply by taking this incredible offer.

Thirdly and for me anyway the most important. Mike is the model of a gentleman is based from. He’s honest (that doesn’t mean always ‘nice’). He will tell you how it is even if it is really bad and he’ll also tell you how to fix it because he’s got the experience and understanding that all of us would kill to have. If you want to learn more about writing kick ass copy, grab this opportunity before it vanishes forever.

Jamus McKenna

“When You Have a Chance to Learn From Someone Like Mike, Take It.”

“It’s been said that to write well is to think clearly – and I’d add, creatively. Being able to put a new twist on an older concept, make it easy to understand for the reader… and persuade him to buy is what separates good from great copywriters.

Mike Morgan is definitely a great copywriter and a great thinker. When you have a chance to learn from someone like Mike, take it. If you put his advice into action, you won’t regret it… and it’ll pay for itself many times over.

Brian Ochsner
Pro Copywriter

I’ve been giving back to copywriters for over a decade. Many of my students have become million-dollar copywriters. One of them is superstar writer Vin Montello. (Believe it or not, a former writer for the smash hit “Rugrats.”) Here’s what he wrote about the experience.

“The Proof is in Me!”

“Not too long ago I was a “wet behind the ears” copywriter. But that all changed the day I met Mike Morgan. He took me under his wing as his apprentice. And during that time, Mike groomed me, shared invaluable knowledge and provided the foundation so I could become the top-gun, seven figure copywriter I am today.My promotions now suck-in the big bucks for my clients. I could really hype Mike to the hilt, but the funny thing is… I don’t feel that’s necessary, because the proof is in the pudding. No… check that…

The proof is in me.

So… if you ever get a chance to learn from a million dollar copywriter and conversion expert like Mike, you would be a fool NOT to take advantage of it. He did wonders for my career, and he’ll go to whatever means necessary to shoot your career to the moon!”

Vin Montello

Okay, enough about me. What’s in this benefit for YOU?


You Help Jade – I Help YOU
(We’re talking “bigly”)

Let’s get to brass tacks. This benefit for Jade is a passion project. Of course it helps Jade start her new lease on life without worry. But the passion doesn’t end with her. You’re going to be a beneficiary too.


Because by me giving more to you, I feel like I’m sending a certain vibe to the universe. One of gratitude. Make no mistake, I have the skills not only to help my niece, but you too. I hope the good vibes we’ll create lands on Jade and gives her a boost. I know that sounds like a funky idea to some, but it isn’t to me. Spirit works in mysterious ways. I want her to have every blessing, every chance for success

That means if you take part in my passion project, I’m giving you the goods. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, or you’ve been in the business a while. You’ll get value that will translate directly to your bottom-line once you use it.

For example, I’ll be sharing an entire project I did last summer for the first time ever. This project was for the 800 pound gorilla in its niche. It was for an internal launch, and I was point-man in every “sales mission critical” step, and I’ll share it all.

In the end, this promotion did about $750 thousand in sales – in about 10 days – to my client’s internal list ONLY. In their 15 year history, it stands as the single best back end promotion of all time. And they’ve hired some of the top copywriters in the game before me.

Want another example?

I’ll also show you exactly how I beat Agora Financial’s longest running control of all time. This is a rare lesson because it took me three tries to beat the beast! And you’ll learn the short-cut I used to pull it off. It’s talked about very little in the copywriting community. But it could be one of the most valuable weapons in your arsenal for the rest of your career.

How about another example of what you’ll get?

Glad you asked.

I’ll also share the cheat sheets, checklists and systems that took me a decade to refine. These resources have been essential for staying focused, (even as you’re juggling projects…), writing high-quality drafts quickly, and editing them until they sing. I’m not aware of anywhere you can get these resources, but I do know they are invaluable.

Sound like must-have info?

Well, that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I don’t have time to write everything you’ll get. But I swear to my niece you will get access to secrets worth far more than your donation.

Plus you’ll get my eternal gratitude.

How Will the Webinar Series Work?

This benefit series will last three months. The first 30 days, we’ll do a “quick-start” of TWO juicy, immediately useful “brain dumps.” Then, in June, we’ll go deeper into writing in a webinar, and finish the next month with another webinar featuring one of my a-lister pals. That’s a total of FOUR webinars. I have yet to firm the entire schedule, but we’ll kick off Tuesday, May 2nd. And we should end about the end of July.

Each webinar gets recorded. You’ll have access to the recordings and downloadable resources in a private members area. It’s up to you if you want to be there live, or catch the replays.

Again, I haven’t shared everything you’ll get. I don’t have time, in fact only a couple of hours to write this letter. (Remember, my dance card is full and I’m working on two projects right now.) But rest assured, I have some serious surprises over and above what I’ve already promised you. All my past students would tell you I’m prone to over delivering.

How Much is the Donation?

To get one hour of live consulting with me, I charge $1000. But obviously, I’m not doing a one-one-one session here.

Group sessions I’ve done between $400 and $1,200 too. But I won’t be charging that much. Why? I want to give as many people a leg up with their copy as possible, and harvest good vibes for Jade.

To do that, I’ve wrestled with where to peg the donation to maximize it for her. I may be making a huge mistake, but I decided on a $147 donation. That’s low enough to get good numbers, and also low enough I know you’ll get a multiple of that back by using what I teach.

My copywriting pals will be dishing out some major flack for the low price. But remember, this is a passion project for me. I just want to raise enough to give Jade a cushion for long enough to heal up. Maybe I’m leaving significant money on the table – enough to help her far longer –but this is one time I’m more about creating good feelings.

Here’s How to Secure Your Slot

Below, you’ll see a button that says “Donate Now.” This button will take you directly to an opt-in page. There you will enter your name, PRIMARY email, (so I can keep in touch about the series), and finally, your PayPal email address so I can match your donation to you and let you in.

After you’ve filled out the opt-in, you’ll go DIRECTLY to Jade’s PayPal account payment page. There you will make your donation of $147. If you feel like you’ve got to know her like a friend from my letter, go ahead and send the donation as family or friend. (That maximizes your donation instead of enriching PayPal.) If you don’t want to do that, I understand and no hard feelings. I’m grateful for your help one way or the other.

One more important point…

There are NO Refunds… PERIOD!

Since the money goes directly to Jade, I am instituting a no-refund policy. If a no-refund policy scares you away, great. Click away, no big deal. I don’t want any extra stress on Jade for refunds, as SHE will have to deal with refunds or complaints. Not cool in my book.

Of course PayPal would allow you to refund if you complain. I’ll warn you, do so at your own peril. Putting extra stress on Jade will launch me into crazy uncle mode and I will hunt you down and publically humiliate you. You don’t want to see my dark side, I was a U.S. Marine. Nuff said.

That means if you have any worry at all, please take a pass.

Remember, I want good vibes and good attitudes floating around for Jade. We can create that together, and I’ll give you all the passion I can to make it happen.

Again, if you want in, it’s simple as 1-2-3. Just (1) click the “Donate Now” button, (2) fill in the opt-in form, and (3) complete the donation of $147 at PayPal.

Donate Now

After you’ve been matched, I’ll be in contact with more details.

With gratitude,
